Dark Times = The Best Art | Music and Authenticity 1K Convos featuring 96

From Forest Lawn to Forest Hill, we got Canadian R&B artist 96 for another 1k Convo. Chatting with Alex about music and where to draw inspiration while chasing your dreams. We delve into the stigmas around mental health in young black men, what it's like learning to be vulnerable and putting yourself out there in R&B, and having those tough conversations in order to break those stigmas. Showing that you don't have to be hard in order to make it in this industry. As well we chat about the challenges faced by Canadian artists trying to compete with the entertainment juggernauts to our south, walking that fine line between using one's struggle for inspiration vs. glorifying it for clout, and what to do when the pandemic closes us off from those very experiences that we draw from.

Want more? You can catch 96's latest tracks on all your favorite streaming platforms and on Instagram under @n9ne6