1K Convos #12 - Hero (Tobi)

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The Gifted Gab presents: 1000 Conversations (1K Convos).

Alex Eskandarkhah and Andre Kelly embark and sit down with many different people, one on one to discuss backgrounds, journeys, personal trials and tribulations and most importantly, evident problems in society. Our goal with 1K Convos is to humanize the personalities you see and love, and connect on a deeper level than what you see on the surface.

Welcome Artist Manager, Coach and Mentor Tobi Saheed to the Gifted Gab where they discuss the importance in running your own race, vulnerability, putting pride to the side, finding your passion and much much more. This was easily one of Andre's favourite episodes as Tobi highlights many life-lesson gems for everyone and anyone listening

Alex Eskandarkhah