1K Convos #18 - Kayla Grey

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The Gifted Gab presents: 1000 Conversations (1K Convos).

Welcome award-winning journalist, TSN reporter, former host of CTV's Amazing Race Canada and the first ever black women to host a flagship sports-highlight show in Canada, Kayla Grey to the Gifted Gab. Kayla has also been widely noted for covering the Toronto Raptors 2019 Championship run with frequent appearances on The Social, The Marilyn Dennis Show, CP24 Breakfast and ETalk. In this episode we dive into the importance of vulnerability, travel, sponsorship in the black community and acceptance. Kayla also lends some advice for creators & journalists looking to take that next step moving forward.

Check out Kayla's work on her instagram page here: https://www.instagram.com/kayla_grey/

Check out Kayla's website here: https://www.kaylagrey.com

Andre Kelly